Thursday, 21 January 2010
Greater Anglia Consultation Process
"Better Services Planned For Greater Anglia Rail Users"
Following the consultation process, the specification may require bidders for the franchise to consider:
- Options for faster journey times between London and Norwich;
- Improving the performance and reliability of long distance services;
- Enhancing the provision of ticket machines across the Greater Anglia franchise network;
- Minimum standards for catering on InterCity trains;
- Making smartcards available across the franchise;
- Better CCTV coverage at stations focusing on the coverage of cycling facilities and station car parks to improve passenger security;
- All new rolling stock on the franchise to have CCTV coverage providing more security for passengers;
- Setting targets ensuring the operator monitors their environmental performance and proposes reductions to carbon emissions;
- Tackling fare dodging, which may include additional gating and increasing staffing;
- Improving access to the network by developing Station Travel Plans and significantly increasing car parking and cycle storage facilities across the network;
- Providing more modern passenger information facilities on platforms and on trains;
- Making the future operator set National Passenger Survey targets for trains, stations and customer service – if the operator fails to meet those targets they would have to invest more to make improvements in those areas."
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Rail Punctuality Falls
Longer Franchise in Prospect
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Planning Application Submitted For New Station In Chelmsford

Countryside Properties and its development partner, L&Q, have submitted a planning application for a new railway station in North East Chelmsford. The proposals represent a major addition to the sustainable transport infrastructure of both the town and the county. The application complements the recent planning application for the enlarged neighbourhood at Beaulieu Park, with up to 4,000 new homes and a total of 750,000 sq. ft. of commercial space incorporating a business park.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
NXEA Response To Yesterday's Delays
We had worked closely with Network Rail on the planning for this blockade and on contingencies in the event of problems. When some complications emerged last week we coordinated with them to enable a revised engineering work plan to be implemented which was meant to have ensured the lines would have been re-opened as planned this morning. As late as 23.00 last night we were still being assured that a punctual restoration of the lines - and thus a smooth “start-up” for services this morning - was fully on course.
Unfortunately we were advised between 03.30 and 04.00 that this was not going to be the case. As soon as we were aware we put information on our website, advised the local media and provided information at stations and on trains where services were affected. In the end it was 07.45 before all the lines were open, which resulted in major delays for passengers due to arrive in London before 10.00. Those passengers who were delayed will be able to claim compensation in the normal way.
We are seeking a full explanation from Network Rail about the cause of the problems, why the contingency plans proved unsuccessful and why we only knew that the work would over-run in the early hours of this morning. We will also be seeking assurances from Network Rail that they are putting in place more robust and effective engineering work planning, particularly for major projects, as we have suffered in the past from damaging over-runs which have been extremely disruptive and frustrating for our customers and our company...."